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Data gathered from schools across Warren County will be compiled into one county-wide aggregate data set.  The aggregate data set will include data from all participating youth; no individual district will be identified.  This aggregate data set is essential to inform decision-makers, policymakers, system leaders, and agency directors on what youth in Warren County need to thrive.  When selecting programs to sup­port young peo­ple, com­mu­ni­ties have often relied on data from nation­wide sur­veys, such as the PRIDE Survey, the Youth Risk Behav­ior Sur­vey and Mon­i­tor­ing the Future. But local leaders seek­ing to dig deep­er into the experiences and perspectives of the young people living in their areas need specific and current information to max­i­mize the effec­tive­ness of their strate­gies.

Surveying youth benefits Warren County communities in four important ways:

  1. Amplify the voices of young people: Data from youth surveys allow local organizations and decision-makers to learn about youth from the voices of youth themselves.

  2. Inform local decision-making: Sharing data among community stakeholders lets more of the perspectives and opinions of young people inform local decision-making.

  3. Improving collaboration among youth-serving organizations, public systems, and the community: Collaboration on youth surveys helps local stakeholders partner more effectively on solutions and interventions to better serve youth.

  4. Access additional resources for youth in Warren County: Every year, millions of tax dollars are funneled into communities through grants and allocations to support positive youth development.  To secure these resources for Warren County, we must have a data set to define the issues to be addressed and to monitor progress over time.

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