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Safety and Security

Safety and security mean youth have the stability of and access to the necessities of life, including food and shelter. It means youth feel free from emotional and physical harm and have a sense of control over what happens in their surroundings and with the people in their lives.


  • Safety at home, school and community

  • Safe dating relationships

  • Safety related to gender identity, race

  • Bullying

  • Food security

  • Driving safety


Well-being in relationships means youth can form and sustain supportive interpersonal connections with peers, family, and caring adults. This domain includes youths’ sense of trust, being able to communicate needs, and manage the influence of peer pressure.


  • Connections – peers, family, teachers

  • Expectations for behavior from peers, family and other adults

  • Family cohesion

  • Parental monitoring

Mental Health

Mental health refers to youths’ level of stress, anxiety, depression, their ability to cope with adversity and manage emotions in a constructive way, including asking for help when needed.


  • Hopefulness

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Depression

  • Suicidal thoughts and actions

  • Trauma exposure

Cognitive Health

Cognitive health is youths’ intellectual potential and engagement in activities that promote growth, curiosity, and identity development. This domain includes consistent school participation, management of time and responsibilities, and engagement and interest, and hobbies.


  • Academic achievement

  • School participation

  • Time management

  • Self-regulation

  • Constructive use of time

Physical Health

Physical health is youths’ ability to care for their bodies through prevention and management of physical illness, use of health care services, and engagement in healthy behaviors.


  • Sleep habits

  • Healthy eating

  • Physical activity

  • Health maintenance - Doctor’s/dental visits

  • Substance Use

  • Body Image


Purpose is youths’ ability and recognition of their place in the world and connection to something larger than themselves. This domain encompasses spirituality, religion, and a future orientation, including career planning and training.


  • Sense of purpose for future

  • Career planning

  • Goal setting

  • Goal attainment

  • Meaningful connections to world greater than themselves


Community is youths’ sense of belongingness and connection to the people, cultures, and places in their lives. This domain includes racial, cultural and gender equity. Communities also offer accessible resources that are relevant to overall youth well-being.


  • Employment

  • Volunteerism

  • Parental engagement

  • Church

  • Diversity, inclusion and cultural equity

  • Civility

Built Environment

Environment is youths’ relationship and connection with nature. This includes access to clean air and water, exposure to plants and animals, availability of parks and other outdoor settings, and a balance of screen time.


  • Access to Technology

  • Access to transportation

  • Neighborhood

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